A Room with a View

Monday, February 05, 2007

There *is* such a thing as a free lunch...

...or, in this case, dinner. My gym is offering rewards for regular attendance in February. 8 workouts gets you a free personal training session, 16 gets you a selection of fitness goodies, and those who manage to go 24 days out of 28 get a free dinner for two. I usually go 4 or 5 times each week, so would have no trouble reaching the sixteen visits target, but I can't understand why I've suddenly become obsessed with going 24 times and claiming my free meal! I mean, I'm sure the meal will be very nice, as it's at a restaurant attached to the fancy hotel that my gym is in, but it's not as though it's a restaurant that I've been desperate to go to, and it's not like Mr Cupcake and I couldn't afford to go out to dinner once in a while if we wanted to.

I'm sure my obsession has nothing to do with the free dinner and everything to do with the challenge. I don't think the gym expects many people to have the motivation (read: pathetic need to prove they can do it!) to go 24 times in a 28 day month, but, for some bizarre reason, I do! I'm not concerned about burning myself out, as I can do some shorter sessions, alternate the type of workout I do, and can also go swimming sometimes. So, we'll see how it goes...will I be settling for the 16 visits prize before the end of the week!? :)


Blogger krisluvswool said...

Lots of people think they're going to do it. The gym is counting on the fact that most of them won't, though... no matter how much they WANT to ;) For example, I WANT to go to the gym M/T/Th/F/Su... it does not happen though :)

4:31 pm  
Blogger Pink Cupcake said...

You're right! It's a bit like the start of the new year thing at the gym, where everyone makes resolutions and for the first few weeks of January the place is packed out, but, of course, it's a different story by the end of the month! ;)

I think the reason I'm able to haul myself to the gym pretty often is that it's only a short walk down the seafront from where I live, so I don't have any excuse about having the hassle of getting there, plus it's a pretty walk.

5:42 pm  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

I'm rooting for you!

3:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! I think I'd react the same way. I love a challenge like that...now if only I belonged to a gym...

2:01 pm  
Blogger Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I think it is a pretty fun incentive -- think about it this way, the cost of the meal will probably be more than the membership that month -- so, you are getting your money back...

3:56 pm  
Blogger Loralee Choate said...

I just hauled my butt back into the gym yesterday. I am tired of having muscle tone of headcheese and your post helped inspire me. It's good to see that deeelicious cupcake back on my blog!

7:13 pm  

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