A Room with a View

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Why am I such a scaredy-cat?

A grasshopper just invaded my kitchen and started jumping around the walls and blinds...arrrggghh! I completely freaked out and called Lovely Lawyer Husband. I'm not sure what I thought he could do, I mean, he could hardly say 'Hi Honey, yes, no problem, I'll just leave the office to drive home and save you'. If fact, being the utterly rational guy he is, he went through the spiel of telling me that I was much bigger than the grasshopper, and that it was likely to be more scared of me, blah, blah, blah. Well, I can't jump about 100 times my height and I don't make a weird hissing noises (not unless I'm really grizzly!).
So, what did I do? Realising that LLH could not leave work and run to my rescue...I called my Mum. Yes, I'm 28 and left home 9 years ago, but the grasshopper was big and creepy looking ;) Fortunately my Mum jumped in her car and raced the two miles from her house to catch it (while I monitored movement...from a beyond-jumpable distance).
I'm so glad it's gone, but I do wish I wasn't such a scaredy-cat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee! Hi, Pink Cupcake. Moms are great that way! A good friend of ours where I used to live once called us up at 10:30 pm to ask if we could come over so my husband would kill a centipede for her. She literally pukes when she sees bugs! So we went right over. I squealed with her while H found it and killed it. :-)

12:08 am  
Blogger Pink Cupcake said...

Hi, New Kid. Love the centipede story - that's so the kind of thing I would do! Thanks so much for stopping by :)

10:04 am  
Blogger Rana said...

You could try my trick of dropping something over it (like a wastebasket) to trap it until it can be dealt with...

I'd be okay with a grasshopper -- but a centipede! Yeep!

7:02 pm  
Blogger Pink Cupcake said...

Hi, Rana...I do sometimes drop things over bugs, but I just couldn't bring myself to go near the grasshopper, as I was terrified it would jump at me. Ugh. You are clearly braver than I am :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

12:24 pm  
Blogger RussianViolets said...

I hate those things, and I have a special bucket just for the occasion.

2:39 pm  

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