A Room with a View

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Random Bullets of Crap...Weekend Edition

  • It's been all snuffles and sniffles in the Pink Cupcake House since Thursday. Mr Cupcake (since he gave himself this new pseudonym when he guest posted, he can keep it!) caught a terrible cold/flu type thing and was off work for two days. This may not seem like much, but he's a lawyer. Lawyers never take time off work when they're ill. They go in. They work on. They suffer for justice. Global anarchy would surely prevail if, you know, even one of them called in sick. ;) Okay, so I'm being more than a little sarcastic, but it's all true. Lawyers drag themselves in. They like to share their germs with their colleagues, so that a few days later, they too can take their turn in becoming martyrs of the legal profession.* So, yes, it was a major deal for Mr Cupcake to take two whole days off. Poor thing, he was really poorly.
  • Of course, I'd feel much more sorry for him, had he not shared his germs with me. As he began to get better on Friday, I went downhill just in time for the weekend. Grrrrrrrr!
  • Saturday wasn't completely wasted though...we finally got our washing machine repaired (apparently some parts had become damaged in transit). It is such a relief to no longer lie awake at night worrying whether I will find one more clean pair of underwear the next morning! I have to confess that I was more excited than someone ought to be when I heard the machine whirring and filling up with water again.
  • On the subject of bizarre confessions, my burgeoning fascination with cleaning products is escalating. I spent a joyful half hour the other day perusing this catalogue, and yesterday I bought these. Yes, they might look weird, but they are awesome at removing gunk and grime from all manner of weird and wonderful (and especially tiny) places. I can't tell you how fantastic my previously grime infested extractor fan looks now. ;)
  • It's not only the extractor fan that's clean, the entire kitchen is at last sparkling (except the oven, which is my next project *sigh*) and we've finally been able to unpack our things. It feels so much more homely to see familiar items in it, and will no doubt be even better when it smells of home-cooked food sometime very soon.
  • We've now unpacked approximately 40 of our 70 or so boxes. Hooray for some progress!
  • The unpacking has led to much debate (read: disagreement) about organization of books and CDs. As I'd love to know on which side of the debate my fellow bloggers will fall, I'm going to post more fully about this tomorrrow. This is serious stuff. :)

*Please do not take this as me being anti-lawyer. As an academic lawyer who is always teased for not being a real lawyer, it's fun to get my own back from time to time...


Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

Hooray! Take that, formerly-grimey kitchen! You are no match for Pink Cupcake and her arsenal of kitchen gadgets!

Cupcake household cold/flu germs: you are next on PC's assassination list.

I'm so glad that things are progressing. Doesn't it feel fabulous to start feeling like it's home?

12:48 am  
Blogger Seeking Solace said...

From one academic lawyer to another...I totally understand. Many of my fellow attorneys thought I was crazy for "going academic".

My husband is one of those people who will drag himself to work sick and infect the rest of the population. But he's not a lawyer, he's a software engineer.

Maybe it's just a guy thing!!!

Glad to hear you are doing better!!!!

1:59 am  
Blogger Queen of West Procrastination said...

My husband also drags himself to work, even when he has no voice and a hacking cough. The problem is that he works in a call centre. (He's learned how to use the "mute" button strategically, so as to keep customers from hearing the cough.)

3:19 am  
Blogger Harmonia said...

hope all the cupcakes are back up to par soon!

9:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always find it amazing that people have those must-go-to-work-even-if-really-sick tendancies. Me, first sign of a sniffle I stay in bed! I figure it's a public service...anyway, that's my rationalisation!

9:37 pm  
Blogger krisluvswool said...

How exciting it must be to be fixing up your kitchen :) I can't wait until we're at the same stage with our house!!! (just under a month to closing!).

I wish you luck with Mr. Cupcake. Boys make no sense when it comes to health! I can't get mine to go to a doctor EVER! Let alone stay home when he's sick (I guess it's good that he's rarely sick, then).

1:07 am  
Blogger halloweenlover said...

You hit it on the nose re: lawyers never taking time off. It is terrible, and then they infect everyone and we are all sick all the time but still at work. It's a great profession.

Feel better!

9:59 pm  
Blogger Rana said...

I hope you're feeling better soon! Enjoy the cleaning! :)

7:11 pm  
Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

I'm definitely interested in the books / cd's update!

2:38 am  
Blogger Pink Cupcake said...

Q of WP - LOL! :) Yes, it's lovely that it's starting to feel like home.

Seeking Solace - I love the term 'going academic', as if we've 'gone insane' or 'gone postal'. ;)

Harmonia - Thanks for the good wishes!

Turtlebella - I completely agree with you.

Krisiface - I'm so excited about your house! And, you're right, boys make no sense when it comes to health. ;)

4:13 pm  
Blogger Pink Cupcake said...

Ooops, hit post before I was done!

Halloweenlover - I thought you might have had similar experiences! :)

Rana - Thank you! I'd enjoy the cleaning more if I could just direct operations, rather than carry them out. ;)

B* - Totally going to post about that now!

4:15 pm  

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