A Room with a View

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Telephone Therapy...

I'm not a huge fan of speaking on the telephone. Sure, I can chat away for ages to family and good friends, and I make all the professional calls that I need to competently enough, but I've always felt a bit awkward on the telephone. I don't think it's actually speaking on the phone that's the problem, but more a fear that I won't communicate what I'm trying to say effectively and will embarrass myself and confuse the listener. A few years ago I did a lot of telephone canvassing and fundraising calls at election times, but this didn't bother me at all, and I think this was because I was anonymous (we would just introduce ourselves as representatives of our party). I still find it strange though, as in person I'm outwardly confident about speaking with all sorts of people, and even addressing large groups doesn't phase me, and of course that's not anonymous at all. I think it's because I'm more comfortable with face-to-face contact. I can see how the other person is responding, and small silences are not awkward. I'm also comfortable with writing, which is why I often choose e-mail, rather than telephone, when I want to communicate something important or difficult. Again, I'm sure it's because I feel more in control of something that's in writing, something which is less likely to be misunderstood.
And so, it will be no surprise to hear that I was more than a little concerned when my therapist suggested that we have a telephone session. It was incredibly nice of her to offer, as I've had to cancel my last couple of appointments because I haven't felt well enough to travel to OUE City, but I wasn't sure how it would work out. I was oddly nervous even though I'd be sitting on my sofa with a cup of coffee, and about 20 minutes before my therapist was due to call I sat down (just as I do in her waiting room) to collect my thoughts together. She called and it was really helpful to talk a few things out with her. It wasn't awkward at all, perhaps because she is good at reading a person's reactions even without being able to see them. It made me resolve to try a bit harder with telephone calls in future...


Blogger Running2Ks said...

I can see what you mean about the phone. Sometimes I have trouble with e-mail--like I am not sure if people will misread what is written.

Your therapist sounds like a good catch.

7:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hate phoning people too!

9:22 pm  
Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

I'm glad that worked out. You remind me that I need to get my act together and find a new therapist.

10:56 am  
Blogger halloweenlover said...

I also have a hard time talking on the phone, even though I am fairly communicative in person! Did your therapist mention what that means?

4:57 pm  
Blogger Harmonia said...

Hi there! Thought I would drop by again. Phones can be crazy. But I agree with Running as well. Email is hard - you never know if what you say is how they are going to take it.

Lately...I have hated talking on the phone. BLAH!

8:00 pm  
Blogger Harmonia said...

OH! YAY! Thanks for the quick visit! I'm so glad you stopped by! Thanks for the comment! I will be posting again on Monday!

9:23 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pinky c: I'm really glad she offered this to you. I'm even gladder you took her up on this, and that it felt like it was helpful and supportive.

3:42 pm  
Blogger Harmonia said...

Happy Monday! Thanks for the comments!

4:16 pm  

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