As seen almost everywhere...I'm doing this meme because although I have tons of real posts I want to write, I can't quite get my head together today...
Accent: Very, very English. Not as proper as the Royal Family (thankfully), but I could definitely hold my own in a Merchant Ivory film or as a newsreader on the BBC World Service.
Booze: Red or white wine depending on my mood and time of year. If it’s white, I like it very dry, and if it’s red, it has to be deep and full-bodied. Oh, and I love champagne too…and gin…and Pimms…and cocktails. Hmmm…I’d better stop before you get the wrong impression of me! ;) I rarely drink too much, I just enjoy a wide variety of drinks.
Chore I Hate: I dislike all cleaning chores, although I love living in a clean house. When I finally get motivated enough to do something (or when panic sets in because of the impending arrival or guests), I’m a total perfectionist about it, which means that it takes forever and I end up very grumpy.
Dog or Cat: I like dogs, but I adore cats. We’re going to be getting one or two kittens very soon.
Essential Electronics: Laptop.
Favorite Cologne(s): If by cologne, you mean perfume…I don’t like heavy smells (although I was really into that kind of stuff in the early 90s) and don’t always wear perfume. When I do it’s usually Clarins’ Eau Ressourcante, which is about as light and fresh as a perfume could get.
Gold or Silver: I don’t really wear a lot of either. My wedding and engagement rings are gold, but my earrings are mostly silver.
Hometown: Sleepy Boring Seaside Town. The sort of place that nobody under 80 should live and even discerning octagenarians avoid it. Fortunately, I escaped!
Insomnia: Sometimes, very badly, Sometimes, not at all.
Job Title: Graduate student.
Kids: No, and we don’t have plans to have any. It’s not something that either of us has ever wanted, and I’m feeling even more strongly about this as I get older (despite being told by many friends and relatives that the opposite would be true).
Living arrangements: As if any of you who’ve read this blog for a while don’t know! Of course, I live in my Dream Flat in Trendy Seaside City.
Most admirable trait: I like to think that I’m kind and thoughtful. I always try to think of others and do (even just little) things to help them out and make life a little easier.
Number of sexual partners: Not exactly something I’m willing to share with the internets…
Overnight hospital stays: Two. I had my adenoids removed when I was 7 and my tonsils removed when I was 25.
Phobias: Spiders and butterflies.
Quote: Oh, I can’t choose. I love quotes from plays, books, poems, songs, politicians…any really. The one that springs to mind right now is ‘Dreams, they complicate my life’, as I was listening to REM’s
Green earlier this afternoon. (I love the way that while Michael Stipe sings this line, Mike Mills sings ‘Dreams, they complement my life’.)
Religion: None. But I do think about why this is the case quite often.
Siblings: None. But I always wanted a big brother.
Time I wake up: It really varies. I’ve never really got into a pattern, unless a particular schedule has dictated it. I never get up hugely late though, unless I’m unwell, as I hate the idea of missing out on the day. If I had the energy, I’d love to be up by 5.30am every day.
Unusual talent or skill: I remember all kinds of numbers without trying. Bank accounts, credit cards, telephone name it, I remember it. What a waste of my memory!
Vegetable I refuse to eat: None. I’m very good about eating vegetables and fruits, which I’m hoping will counteract the fact that I’m also very good at eating bad things. (My husband has just gone to collect a take-out pizza…)
Worst habit: Worrying and procrastination. It’s a tie.
X-rays: Teeth, left wrist (I fell off my roller skates when I was 9 and broke it), ankle (sprained it when I was 20), spine and chest (as part of the numerous tests I had earlier this year, neither x-ray showed anything).
Yummy foods I make: I’m a terrible cook, but I can make really good scones and banana bread.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.