Another Five Meme...
- zerodoll
- Overread
- BrightStar
- Seeking Solace / Clare
- Pink Cupcake
- Queen of West Procrastination (Being tagged is, after all, just another great excuse to procrastinate!)
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Hmmmm...What I was doing 9 years ago is way more interesting (so I'll post one of my 100 Facts about that). If you asked my Mum what I was doing 10 years ago, she'd say that I should have been in my first year as an undergrad at Very Prestigious University. She was really not at all happy when despite being offered a place, I decided to take some time out after finishing school in 2005 and got a job working in politics. She certainly didn't begin to forgive me until I was accepted to Very Prestigious University in 2003 for my Masters and PhD! So, in January 1996, rather than being tucked away in the corner of a library, I was working on a local election campaign.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was in my final term as President of Grad Students in my college at Very Prestigious Uni. I was enormously glad that it was my final term, as it had been a pretty stressful year of office. I was trying to research and write about the wonders of European Law, but I probably spent way too much time stressing over crappy student politics, and de-stressing over many mocha frappuccinos.
Five snacks you enjoy...
- Tortilla chips - with guacamole to dip them in, of course!
- Yoghurt coated raisins.
- Japanese seaweed and rice crackers.
- Rice cakes (yeast extract flavoured) with houmous.
- Cupcakes - especially when they're pink. :)
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics...
Doesn't everyone know all the lyrics to about a gazillion songs?? Here's a few...
- Pretty much any REM song.
- Ordinary World - Duran Duran.
- Girl From Mars - Ash.
- Yes - McAlmont and Butler. (Soooo good when sung really loudly to yourself whilst dancing very badly. :))
- Tribute - Tenacious D. (Although I wouldn't admit to that if I weren't using a pseudonym!)
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire...
- Buy a flat with a sea view and room for tons of bookshelves in Trendy Seaside City.
- Donate to my favourite charity.
- Start a cat sanctuary.
- Fund a scholarship for a PhD student, because it'd be nice to save at least one fellow grad student from funding worries.
- Travel to many wonderful places with my husband.
Five bad habits...
- Worrying.
- Overanalyzing.
- Worrying.
- Overanalyzing.
- Did I mention worrying and overanalysing?!??
Five things you like doing...
- Catching up with all my favourite blogs, whilst cuddled up on the sofa with a cup of tea.
- Hanging out in coffee shops and reading for fun.
- Making other people happy with little surprises and nice gestures.
- Spending time with my husband. Living long distance for two years made me appreciate and cherish just hanging out with him even more.
- Taking afternoon tea. Yes, I am that English!
Five things you would never wear again...
- The blue sparkly evening outfit that I thought was so cool in 1997. Unfortunately it was so. not. cool.
- Shoulder pads (I stole that from Seeking Solace, but I'm so with her on this one. What were we all thinking?!).
- Any trousers that my Mum has altered the length of. She has a habit of making them way too short, bless her. :) I've lost count of the amount of my trousers that she has ruined over the years.
- The woolly hat that I used to wear when I lived in the chilly North. I don't even think my Grandmother would have worn that hat. It was so untrendy, but sooooo warm.
- A ra-ra skirt. But my blue, pink and yellow one was way cool in 1985!
Favourite toys...
- My laptop.
- My ipod shuffle.
- Stationery. Any and all of it...
- My page-a-day cat calendar. Soooo cute. :)
- The Woofs.