1. What is your first name? Not telling! But I've always been glad that my parents chose it.
2. Were you named after anyone? My first name is the name of the lead female character in my Father's favourite book. And, my middle name is the name of my Great Great Grandmother. Most of the other women in our family have the month of their birth as their middle name...May, June, April are okay, but February (when I was born) not so much.
3. Do you wish on stars? Afraid not. I'm too much of a realist for that kind of thing.
4. When did you last cry? About a week ago. That's quite a long while for me. I cry about a lot of things, but never in front of anyone, except LLH.
5. Do you like your handwriting? I used to have lovely handwriting, but it was ruined by several years of taking hurried lectures notes at university.
6. What is your favourite lunch meat? I'm not really a meat girl...can I have smoked salmon instead?
7. What is your most embarrassing CD? Before I met LLH I had more than a few embarrassing CDs, the worst of which was probably one by Curtis Steigers. But when LLH and I moved in together he culled my collection (actually, it may have been a condition of our living together...). He has fantastic taste in all types of music, which I seem to have gained by osmosis over the years. The most embarrassing CD I have now is probably the soundtrack to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. :)
8. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Definitely.
9. Do you have a journal? No, I've started several, but never manage to keep going for more than a week or so. I'd like to have one.
10. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Absolutely. But I'm not sure that people always get it.
11. What are your nicknames? Like
Russian Violets, I have one that is the first three letters of my real name, and another that is the last five letters of it. My friends at OUE call me 'Mummy MCR' (MCR is the name of our graduate student body) as I was President of Graduates in our College last year, and everyone came to me for anything and everything at all times of the day and night. And, of course, my French friend calls me Pink Cupcake!
12. Would you bungee jump? Absolutely NOT.
13. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Not if I can help it. Haven't worn laced shoes recently though, seem to be living in my green Birks.
14. Do you think you are strong? Everyone else does. I always appear strong to others (again, except LLH), but sometimes on the inside I feel very weak.
15. What is your favourite ice cream flavour? Pistachio or Baileys...mmmm.
16. Shoe size? 6 in UK sizes.
17. Red or pink? Pink, of course. I'm not Red Cupcake, am I?!
18. What is your least favourite thing about yourself? That I worry far too much, and I'm not as slim as I'd like to be.
19. Who do you miss most? My Dad. I think about him so often and always wonder what he would have thought about the different things that happen in my life.
20. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? I'm not sending it to anyone, but anyone that wants to should do it!
21. What colour pants (trousers) and shoes are you wearing? White pants and no shoes.
22. What are you listening to right now? Nothing.
23. Last thing you ate? An Itsy. Yes, I had no idea what it was before today either. I went out for lunch with my Mum, and the restaurant had these mini mousse-type desserts served in espresso cups. I had a Tiramisu Itsy.
24. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Ooooh, I don't know - so many to choose from. Maybe pink, lilac or blue, and definitely not brown or black.
25. What is the weather like right now? Warm.
26. Last person you talked to on the phone? LLH.
27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height (I like tall) and hair (or rather lack of, I love the Michael Stipe look). Fortunately, LLH is 6 foot 4 and has VERY short hair. In non-physical terms, intellect, wit and compassion are most important. I'm not very demanding, am I?!
29. Favourite drink? Mocha Frappuccino.
30. Favourite sport? Tennis and Cricket...How English am I? ;)
31. Hair colour? Mousey, light brown naturally, but I've been blonde for over ten years.
32. Eye colour? Brown.
33. Do you wear contacts? No.
34. Favourite food? Scones, jam and cream, washed down with a pot of darjeeling.
35. Last movie I watched? Frida. And I thought it was amazing.
36. Favourite day of the year? The first day of any vacation.
37. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Both.
38. Summer or Winter? Can't I pick Spring? I like the sunshine and flowers, but not the heat.
39. Hugs or kisses? Again, both!
40. What is your favourite dessert? Banoffee Pie.
41. Who is most likely to do this meme? Someone who can be bothered to answer more than 50 questions...it seems never ending!
42. Who is most likely to this meme and comment? Who knows?
44. What's on your mousepad? I don't have one.
45. What did you watch last night on TV? Just the news. I'm a news junkie.
46. Favourite smells? Cakes and bread baking, freshly brewed coffee, lavender and Molton Brown shower gels.
47. Favourite sounds? Rain beating hard against my bedroom window when I am warm and tucked up under the bedcovers. And, REM playing live.
48. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles.
49. What's the furthest you've been from home? China.
50. Do you have a special talent? All cats really like me, is that special enough?!
51. What is your ringtone? Just a regular ring-ring.
Wow, finally the end...